Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Roshan Meets the Aunties and Uncles

Oops. It has been over a month since the last post...mostly due to a crazy April. But now that we have a break, we have a new video!

Over the past three months, Roshan has seen an amazing set of Uncles and Aunties from all over the world, from Australia to India to England. It is clear he is going to be a completely spoiled...he already has enough clothes to last him through his first year! Thanks to all of you for your continued love and support. Here are a few highlights:

Most offensive gift
Bharat Uncle and Kavi Autie, with the racist octopus. For some reason, the people at Baby Einstein decided to make the voice describing rainbow colors to have "white" be much more cheerful than the word "brown." I guess it could have been worse...they didn't even include "black."

Most comfortable holding a baby
AB Uncle, who surprised us all with his past experience. Sorry Wendy Auntie, you were a close second.

Least comfortable holding a baby
Too many people to name

Most likely to teach Roshan bad words
Archana Auntie couldn't keep a lid on it. (Don't they cane you for that in Singapore?)

Most ambitious teacher
Ed Uncle, who spent a few hours trying to teach Roshan 2+2 while babysitting. Roshan ended up sleeping through most of the lesson.

Mostly likely to get pooped on.
Sandy Auntie, after Roshan decided to pull a "Triumph the Insult Dog" in her arms.

Most likely to steal our baby
Grandma Gail (Emily Auntie's Mom), who threatened to do so many many times. We have now installed cameras all over the crib, just in case. :)

Below you will find some pics. Apologies to those we didn't have pictures will definitely make it in the next video installment! Trouble accessing the video? See the pictures here.

Roshan meets the friends from rishi chandra on Vimeo.