Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Roshan 11 month video

Roshan officially visited his second state. We spent ten awesome days in Maui for our family vacation. We ate tons of ahi, drank plenty of mai tais, saw lots of fishes, and tasted plenty of sand (at least Roshan did). Roshan also had a chance to show off his new surfer hairdo. He was quite popular with the ladies.

We also had his first real exposure to the ocean. The first day he basically cried every time a wave came in. It was the first time I have ever seen him scared of something. It took about an hour and then he was loving it. We couldn't get him out.

Some milestones:
  • Learned how to high five! All of those hours of training finally paid off (thanks Uncle Ed).
  • He is starting to talk. His favorite phrase right now is "uh oh". Very appropriate.
  • Roshan got a chance to pet his first animal at the Surfing Goat farms in Maui. He decided to use this as an opportunity to kick a goat in the head, slap their ears, and stick a finger in their nose. As you can imagine, he was not loved by the animals.
  • Favorite letter: Letter K. It also duals as his favorite toy.
  • First taste of Pop Rocks. He was very confused.
  • Favorite pastime: watching the washing machine. He can do it for almost ten whole minutes. That is an eternity in baby time.

Roshan 11 month from rishi chandra on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Roshan's first tooth!


It took a while, but Roshan finally got his first tooth! He has already made good use of it by biting us whenever possible. It is a big relief (we were getting worried he would need dentures), but also eliminates our favorite excuse for his erratic behavior (he was teething). I will definitely miss his old man smile though...
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