3:00 to 7:00PM - Family nap. Big mistake.
10:30 to 11:00PM - Mon starts last feeding before going to bed. Diaper change. Mon puts him down to bed.
11:00PM to 12:30AM - He sleeps. Woohoo! Mon can't fall asleep so she reads her book.
12:30AM to 1:30AM - Roshan cries, Mon feeds him, Mon puts him down to bed. 15 minutes later, start it all over again. Repeat 4 times total. Throw in a diaper change at some point in there.
1:30AM to 3:00AM - Roshan sleeps. Mon is now totally awake. Can't fall asleep. Surfs the web.
3:00AM to 3:15AM - Mon finally gets tired, just about to go to bed...
3:15AM to 5:00AM - Roshan awakes. Diaper change. Feed for 40 minutes. Roshan falls asleep for...approx 3 min. He is now fully awake and in full play mode. Mon tries everything to put him back to sleep: swaddling, singing a song, sleeping in our bed. Nothing. Yes, this continues for a full hour.
5:00AM to 5:30AM - Duties transition to Rishi. First duty is to change dooty diaper (a ten on the twelve point scale). As I am about to put on the new diaper, Roshan decides to pee all over himself. Sigh. We do a full change. Roshan still fully awake. I bring in the swing to our room to calm him down.
6:00AM to 6:30AM - Success! He falls asleep in a matter of minutes. Woohoo!
6:30AM to 8:30AM - Failure! He wakes up again. But at least he is sleepy, so I bring him into bed. He finally falls asleep...but ten minutes later he wakes himself up from the congestion (he is recovering from a cold). I pat him until he calms down. Repeat every 10 minutes for the full two hours.
Family wakes up...with everyone a little cranky. Welcome to parenthood.
So don't let the peaceful sleeping pictures fool you...

wow. i may have to bring you both coffee to keep awake and cold packs to ward off lack-of-sleep headaches. what a rough night.
Living overseas it turns out I am the beneficiary of your sleepless nights! Had a nice chat with Monica in the middle of your night =)
For the peeing, I recommend leaving a small baby-wipe covering the family jewels while you clean up the business-end.
Not 100% perfect as the jewels will need a clean too; at which point you are at risk.
Cleaning the jewels first helps though, as there is usually a delay before the cold-air-on-the-jewels-gotta-pee reflex kicks in.
Alternatively, just grab the little fella by his little fella as soon as there is any flow - then point it at the dirty daiper and let that absorb the lot. (Disclaimer: that plan requires razor-sharp reflexes and is probably illegal in some states.)
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