The night started off with a bang when some lady went to Monica's mom and asked her Monica's age. Apparently she saw Monica and thought she was a knocked up, unmarried, 15 year old girl. It's crazy enough to think that Monica was that young...but it's nuts to ask her mom for confirmation. Do you really want to find out the answer to that question from their mother??
We had a great time at the party...for the first time on a long time Monica hit the dance floor. That baby was going crazy the whole night, so we may have a bhangra dancer on our hands. The highlight was when the DJ played "My Humps" and the whole dance floor was pointing to Monica's belly. Hilarious. That song definitely has a new meaning...

sorry seemed truly funny at the time. and...RUPA MADE ME DO IT!
Rishi mah boy!! Glad to see you reading up on parenting and hope you have got some insights on "paternity leave" as well. Trust me you will need it. We are all waiting eagerly for "Jagandesh pande chandra"
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