As most of you know, Monica and I have decided to find out the sex of the baby at time of delivery. But that hasn't stopped many people, including random strangers, from guessing the sex. We even had our waitress at an Ethiopian restaurant guarantee that it was a girl.
It turns out there is an amazing science behind predicting baby gender. Here are some of the data points that prove my point:
- If the heart rate is above 160, it's a girl (check)
- If your belly looks like a basketball, it's a boy (check)
- If you are craving sweet foods, it's a girl (check)
- If the shape of your face does not change, it's a boy (check)
- If your husband puts on weight during the pregnancy, it's a girl (no comment)
Obviously, science fails here. But there is a better way...let's have the market decide. So we will soon be introducing a betting pool to guess the gender. Stay tuned.
Dude, it's a boy.
It looks like she's carrying it high...I think it's a girl...any names picked out yet?
I would say it's a girl... (no, I'm not hedging!)
when's the betting begin? I have an excel model that is foolproof for this...
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